Grievances and Disputes Toolkit

The Grievances and Disputes Toolkit is designed to assist you with complying with the framework of existing legislation

In all business, employees may have problems, issues or concerns about their work, working environment or working relationships that they wish to raise and have addressed. The Grievances and Disputes Toolkit provides guidance and supporting materials to help you deal fairly and speedily with grievances, before they develop into major problems and potentially legal disputes.

The potential that grievances have for damage means that they cannot be ignored. If they are dealt with inappropriately, they are likely to manifest themselves in some other guise, which will make a satisfactory resolution much harder. While handling of grievances takes up valuable management time, skilful handling offers an excellent way to maximise employee resources and avoid costly tribunal claims.

This Grievances and Disputes Toolkit provides guidance in the following areas:

  • The Legal Requirements
  • Relevant Case Law
  • The Importance of Managing Grievances Effectively
  • Essential Features of a Grievance Procedure
  • Dealing With Grievances
  • Dealing With Appeals
  • Keeping Records
  • Common Issues

Total pages:24
Last updated: August 2022

The Grievances and Disputes Toolkit contains the following template documents to support the guidance notes:

  • Grievance Policy
  • Essential Steps to Handling a Grievance
  • Grievance Meeting Agenda
  • Letter Explaining That A Frivolous or Trivial Grievance Will Not Be Dealt With
  • Letter Explaining That A Grievance Repeats a Previous Complaint
  • Confirmation of Receipt of Formal Grievance and Invitation to Meeting
  • Record of Grievance Meeting
  • Confirmation of Grievance Meeting Decision
  • Confirmation of Receipt of Appeal and Invite to Meeting
  • Confirmation of Outcome of Appeal Meeting

All the supporting materials are created Microsoft Word so you may easily save them to your PC, amend them to suit your business style and then use them time and time again.

Who should buy this package?

  • Those new to the HR function
  • Non specialists, such as Accountants and Directors PA’s with responsibility for HR
  • Office Managers
  • Company Secretaries
  • Owners, Directors and Partners of small and medium sized businesses

How Much Does The Grievances and Disputes Toolkit Cost?

Excellent value at only £25.

How To Order Your Grievances and Disputes Toolkit

Green Arrow (150 x 120)

We will send you confirmation of your order and as soon as your payment has cleared you will receive a second email with a link to download your copy of the Grievances and Disputes Toolkit.

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