Holiday Pay For Leavers. Mr C was dismissed and was entitled to payment in lieu of accrued but unused holiday time which his employer paid at a rate of 1/365.
Resignation Over Holiday Pay Issues Was Unfair
Resignation Over Holiday Pay Issues Was Unfair. The ET ruled that an employee who resigned after 9 years of holiday pay issues was unfairly dismissed.
Reopening Disciplinary Proceedings
Reopening disciplinary proceedings that have previously concluded is unusual but not impossible as no legal principles bar a second disciplinary process
Toilet Facilities
The EAT has considered whether an employer’s requirement for female employees to use the men’s toilet facilities amounted to sex discrimination.
Term Time Working and Holiday Entitlement
Term Time Working and Holiday Entitlement Supreme Court rules that part year employees are entitled to the same holiday as those working all year.
Dismissed For Asserting A Statutory Right
A Tribunal has awarded £8,000 to claimant after finding they were Dismissed For Asserting A Statutory Right To Take Time Off For Dependants.
Long Covid May Be A Disability
The employment tribunal case of Burke v Turning Point Scotland has confirmed that long Covid may be a disability which is protected under the Equality Act
Is Calling A Man Bald, Sexual Harassment?
Is Calling A Man Bald, Sexual Harassment? In the case of Finn v (1) The British Bung Manufacturing Company and (2) King, the tribunal considered whether calling someone bald at work constituted harassment on the grounds of sex under the Equality Act 2010.
Dismissal For Raising Vexatious Grievances Was Fair
Dismissal For Raising Vexatious Grievances Was Fair The EAT found that an employee’s dismissal for bringing numerous grievances was fair.
Holiday Pay and Voluntary Overtime
Holiday Pay and Voluntary Overtime. The Court of Appeal in Northern Ireland has held that voluntary overtime is not necessarily excluded from the calculation of holiday pay for the purposes of the Working Time Regulations 1998 (as derived under the EU Working Time Directive).