Time Off Work
All employees have a statutory right to time off work in certain circumstances such as holidays and the new entitlement to carers leave. Unplanned absences i.e. sickness and AWOL employees, cause the most problems though and need quick action to nip them in the bud.
Absence is a major concern for every employer with employees been absent with little or no notice. “Taking a sickie” may also be used by staff to deal with personal matters, attend job interviews, or have a day off due to lack of motivation. It can also be a response to bullying, harassment or stress. Some ill-health can be due to working conditions, and accidents are also a major cause of time off work.
Holiday Entitlement The Holiday Entitlement Toolkit provides guidance to the statutory entitlement and tips for introducing a higher amount of entitlement. The template documents provide agreements regarding payments in lieu and carry over of holidays, as well as providing notice to take holiday. The Holiday Entitlement document templates can help you ensure clarity when it comes to agreeing holidays with your staff. |
Sickness Absence The Sickness Toolkit provides guidance to the legislation and to help you manage sickness absence. The Template Documents will help you manage notification and evidence of sickness, keeping in touch during a period of absence, statutory sick pay, medical examinations and reports and returning to work. There are also a range of condolences letters. |
Authorised Leave Authorised leave may be offered with or without pay. The occasions when authorised leave may be granted include: time off for dependants, compassionate leave, adverse weather, jury service and the new entitlement to Carers Leave. |
Time Off Work Set
The content of within the Time Off Work HR Toolkits work together to form a complete kit to managing employees time off work, in recognition of this I offer a multi buy discount.
When you purchase the Holiday, Sickness and Authorised Leave HR Toolkits together you will benefit from our Multi Buy Discount, paying just £213.75.